
Happy New Year!

As 2019 comes to a close, we’d like to take a moment to share our 2019 accomplishments with you, our ARC family!  With the help and dedication of our all-volunteer team, ARC had over 1,065 wild critters come into care this year.
        • Cottontails 342
        • Squirrels 325
        • Opossums 337
        • Raccoons 61 (SC)

It was an extremely challenging year thanks to early warm weather that resulted in many species having more than normal litters!  Changes in our environment continued to negatively impact our wildlife.  Clear cut logging that removes hundreds of acres of woodland homes, as well as continued urbanization and development have kept our phone lines busy all year long.

While our successes and happy endings are wonderful to share we know there is much left to do.  Due to limited volunteers and resources, we can’t always help every animal from the 2,000 plus calls we receive each year but know that each of us strive every day to do more, be better, and go the extra mile to help every creature we possibly can.

We look forward to doing even more in 2020!  Thanks to changes in NC regulations concerning rabies vector species, we will now be able to help raccoons, skunks, foxes and more!

We could not do this without your donations and support.  Please continue to follow our progress as we continue our mission to support wildlife.  We plan to share more stories, pictures and education than ever before!  Thanks for journeying with us through the next exciting 12 months!

Happy and Healthy New Year to each of you and to all our wild patients!

Roseann Michalowski, 2019-2020 ARC President